
About us

Soprilok, a leading pre-coating specialist in France, produces more than 100 million pre-coated parts per year.
A Tier-1 PSA provider since 2004, our top-notch business is ideally suited to the automotive market.
With ISO 9001:2015 Certification, our clients benefit from camera controls and product qualifications that align with automobile standards.


Soprima,Inserco, Soprilok and Foubert have joined forces to form LINSKY Group, Linking Systems.

As a combined group, we now offer assembly solutions based on each firm’s specialty:

– Soprima & Soprilok for pre-coating

– Inserco & Foubert for fasteners and hardware

By combining our offerings under a single banner, we can focus on our global strategy:  partnering with you to develop complete assembly solutions.


Groupe Linksy Video Presentation


  • 1966

    PSM International purchases La Goupille Cannelée and creates the Thread Locking and Sealing Division under PSM Fixation (Groupe McKechnie)

  • 1990

    Installation in Saint Triviers de Courtes (01), with the deployment of a second magnetic-coating machine


  • 2000

    Relocation to Chamerande (01), with the addition of a new rotary machine

  • 2004

    PSM Fixation works in EDA with PSA


  • 2005

    PSM Fixation merges with Groupe Melrose PLC

  • 2007

    PSM Fixation becomes Prelok


  • 2010

    Melrose PLC Groupe purchases Prelok;  100% French shareholders

  • 2012

    Relocation to our new plant in Boz (01), with a two-fold increase of our surface area


  • 2013-2020

    Deployment of the new Tuflok machine plus two high-speed rotary machines

  • 2023

    Prelok France becomes SOPRILOK 


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