Soprilok is the specialist for the coating of thread locking and sealing applications and also for anti-corrosion properties as well as anti-seizing solutions.
Soprilok is the leading company for coating in France with more than 100 Millions of parts coated every year.
Soprilok has strengthened a partnership with the most important manufacturers of products such as Precote – 3M ScotchGrip – Tuflok to enable to answer to all coating requests.
Our special machines can coat a wide range of parts, from small to big volumes.
Most of our machines are equipped with cameras to control the patch at 100%.
We are full equipped to provide the coated parts packed in parcels as per customer’s request.

Our quality organization is certified ISO 9001 2015 version and we fulfill the TS16949 requirements of the automotive industry. Soprilok is TIER ONE for PSA.

Group specialized in global assembly solutions

Soprima, Inserco, Soprilok and Foubert are joining together to form the LINKSY group, Linking Systems.
The group’s offer is organized around assembly solutions thanks to the know-how of each company :

– Inserco & Foubert for fasteners and parts on drawing.

– Soprima & Soprilok for pre-coating.

By combining our activities under one banner, we communicate on the group’s overall strategy : developing complete assembly systems with and for you.


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