
Pellet & Strip

Pellet & Strip is a self-locking element comprised of Nylon permanently imbedded into threads of a fastener. The Pellet is a drilled hole with a plug of oversized Nylon wedged into the hole. The Strip is a milled slot with a string of oversized Nylon wedged into the slot.

When the Pellet & Strip are engaged, it creates a wedge between the fastener and mating part compressing the Nylon and creating metal-to-metal contact opposite the element. This metal-to-metal contact results in a positive resistance to vibration and loosening.

Since Nylon has great memory characteristics, this locking element can be reused several times. Pellet & Strip meets the following specifications MIL-DTL-18240F and NASM 25027.

Download the technical data sheet


Reusable / adjustable.
Exceptional vibration resistance.
Avoid using locking washers.
Resistant to lubricants, fuel, hydraulic fluids and most commercial solvents.
Can be applied to any size of thread configuration of a fastener.
Complies or exceeds IFI, DIN and major OEM specifications.
Parts are ready for assembly.
Can be applied on external or internal threaded fasteners.
Is not affected by high humidity conditions.
Environmentally friendly / non toxic.
Torque can be adjusted to meet specific applications.
Can be applied to any fastener materials (steel, plastic, brass, copper, aluminum).



Shelf lifeDry wedgeSize
NylonStandardBlue / red-56°C to 121°CInfiniteImmediate lockingFrom M1.2
Kel-F®OptionalBlue-195°C to 177°CInfiniteImmediate lockingFrom M1.2
Teflon®OptionalWhite-68°C to 288°CInfiniteImmediate lockingFrom M1.2
Vespel®OptionalBrown-195°C to 371°CInfiniteImmediate lockingFrom M1.2


Our processes are ISO 9001 certified.


Pellet & Strip meets the following specifications :
MIL-DTL-18240F and NASM 25027


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